God Will Give You Rest

Daily Truth

Whenever I’m in the middle of a battle, I first discern the “why” behind it, and then I take my stand based on what I know to be true. For better and sometimes for worse, the struggle changes us. It doesn’t matter if you continually face a predictable foe (e.g., struggles in marriage, health, finances, etc.) or if a new trial hits you out of nowhere, opposition impacts you. Standing in faith for long stretches can take a toll on the soul. It can also energize you, depending on how you frame the difficult and disappointing parts of your battle. When we fight the good fight of faith, we can get a little battered and, at the same time, beautified. Though we endure our blows from the enemy, our trials are achieving something in us we cannot comprehend. Because God is well aware of our heart’s condition, He takes us out of the intense fight from time to time. We’re still soldiers in the Lord’s army, still alert to enemy schemes, but we’re pulled from the front lines and brought back to basecamp where we can recover, get a good meal, repair our weapons, and get out of fight/flight mode.

1 Peter 5:10 NIV ~ And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.

*Photo: Pixabay



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