Life-Changing Ministry
Both Kevin and Susie Larson have a passion to serve others. In recent years they’ve teamed up in more intentional ways to minister together. From sharing the stage at conferences to praying for others via livestreams, the Larsons have found new depths of joy in learning to love others well together.
With more than 40 years in the construction industry, Kevin Larson is a natural-born builder with a missions-oriented mindset. He’s received the prestigious Distinguished Humanitarian award for outreach that has made a positive global impact, and he’s been featured in the Marquis Who’s Who in America for professional integrity, outstanding achievement, and making innumerable contributions to society. Whether he’s running a large-scale construction project or mentoring a group of guys, he pours his passion and energy into building successful men, strong families and communities, and award-winning structures.

Global-Minded Ministry
In 2020, God planted an audacious dream in Kevin and Susie’s hearts: To build a school in Rwanda. Through years of prayer and hard work, God helped them make this dream a reality. With Kevin’s experience in construction management and their incredible Rwandan partners, they were able to help carry out each step of the process—from funding to building to filling the school with equipment, teachers, and students. They were also able provide tuition scholarships for children who otherwise couldn’t afford to attend. Along the way, mentoring local men and women to become strong leaders in the community.
The impact has been astounding, and it’s ignited a conviction and a passion in the Larsons to help build strong communities around the world. Through strengthening and mobilizing the church, helping the poor, and raising up honorable and effective leaders, they aim to bring the tangible light and love of Christ to a world in need.