Your Sacred Yes
Trade Life-Draining Obligation for Freedom, Passion, and Joy
Are you worn out from life’s ought-to’s and should-do’s?
It’s so easy to give away our time to things un-appointed by God. We commit to something because it’s a good cause or there’s a great need. Or maybe because no one else will help out. The result? The days blur together and we find ourselves overworked and underjoyed, desperate for a faith awakening.
In this practical and liberating book, Susie shares biblical ways to:
• Learn how—and when—to say no without guilt or shame
• Find a pace and perspective that matches God’s best for you
• Discern man-made obligations from God-given invitations
Will you say yes to the One who will rejuvenate your soul?
Includes Reflection Questions for Personal or Group Use.
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Dig Deeper Into Your Sacred Yes
Whether you’re reading Your Sacred Yes on your own or within a Bible study group, get the most out of your study with these additional resources.
Note to leaders: Each DVD session serves as a catalyst for group discussion and can be viewed before or after reading the corresponding chapters.
In six powerful 25-minute sessions that expand on her book Your Sacred Yes, Susie Larson explores more deeply how God can help you live out each day in a way that honors Him and strengthens you. Each session focuses on biblical ways to discern God’s best for you:
Say Yes to God’s Wisdom and Power
Say Yes to God’s Provision and His Invitation
Say Yes to Living Free and to Humility
Say Yes to Your Worth and God’s Best
Say Yes to Necessary Change and Divine Momentum
Say Yes to Your God-Given Influence and to a Life That Counts
Together, Your Sacred Yes and this DVD make an ideal six-week study—whether you meet in a large group at church or in a smaller, more intimate gathering at home.
The Your Sacred Yes workbook goes beyond the Reflection Questions provided in the book and DVD, connecting the message to additional Scripture passages and inviting you to think more deeply about how to apply what you’ve learned to your life.
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“It’s time to reclaim our days so that our moments matter in the greater scheme of things.”
—Susie Larson
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Quotes from Your Sacred Yes
"Nothing drains us more", "Though God calls us…",
"We're called to…", "The beautiful thing…",
"Even Jesus got weary", "In God's yes…",
"We miss out on God's best", "Fear stirs, Love opens",
"Every hard thing God asks"
Suggested Tweets
Share a few key quotes from the book to inspire others.
“In God's yes, there will always be an element of rest." – @SusieLarson #YourSacredYes
“I refuse the rat race because God has called me to the sacred race." – @SusieLarson #YourSacredYes
“Nothing drains us more than signing up for things God never asked us to do." – @SusieLarson #YourSacredYes
“We're not called to a busyness that drains us; we're called to an abundance that trains us." – @SusieLarson #YourSacredYes
“When we're sloppy with our yes, we miss out on God's best." – @SusieLarson #YourSacredYes
"Though God calls us to live full, abundant lives, He doesn't run us ragged." – @SusieLarson #YourSacredYes