Guard Your Heart

Daily Blessing

May Jesus help you guard your heart with all diligence. May you instantly discern the source of your thoughts and emotions so you'll know what to uproot and what to nurture. How do you want to grow in the days ahead? Plant those seeds in your heart now. What do you want to be free of in the next season of your life? Uproot those weeds now. May you rightly discern truth from lie, life from death, and love from selfishness. When you spend ample time with God, clarity will replace confusion. You'll begin to understand the times and know what to do. May you become a fierce warrior with your shield and sword. Refuse to give the enemy even an inch of your land or even a minute of your day. It is FOR freedom that Christ has set you free! Wisely guard your heart, and life WILL spring forth in due time.

Proverbs 4:23 (NLT ~ Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.

*Photo: Pixabay


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