Breathe In His Promises

Daily Blessings

May Jesus bring a fresh revelation to your soul. May you suddenly understand—on a profoundly deep level—how precious you are to Him. May you listen for His voice and make the wise life-adjustments you need to make. There's a living, active verse for you in scripture; may you search 'till you find it, and wield it with precision and power. The enemy has no strength against God's living and active Word! He'd love to bait you into apathy, but Jesus invites you into full engagement, profound faith, and audacious prayers! You are not at the mercy of your circumstances, you're saturated in the mercies of Almighty God, and they come to you new every single morning. Breathe in His promises, exhale your frustrations; wrap your arms around His grace and rest in the knowledge that you are never alone. May it be well with your soul today. Have a blessed and beautiful day.

Psalm 5:3 NLT ~ Listen to my voice in the morning, LORD. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.

*Photo: Pixabay


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