He Makes All Things New

Daily Blessing

You’ve been in the winter season for far too long. You wonder if it’ll ever end. You wonder if springtime will happen for everybody but you. But here’s what’s true: Even now, there are little sprouts underground, coming to life, ready to break through. Those are your seeds that you planted and that God watered. You can’t see them but they’re there. In due time, the sun will shine, the cold will pass, and life will break through the hardened soil of this season. I know you’re tired but don’t give up hope. May Jesus wrap you up in His goodness today. May you sense His kindness and be assured of His promises. Spring is definitely coming for you. Blessings on your day.

Psalm 78:16 NLT ~ He made streams pour from the rock, making the waters flow down like a river!

*Photo: Pixabay


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