Do You See The Victory?

Daily Blessing

May God open the heavens and give you a glimpse of how far you’ve come on this journey. You’re still standing! In Christ, you’re stronger than you know. May you see with eyes of faith how many mountains have moved on your behalf! May Jesus speak peace to your soul and strength to your heart. May you understand—on a whole new level—why God has allowed you to walk through your trials. He has something for you in these places…treasures in the darkness that will serve you well in the days ahead. Don’t lose hope. Don’t let go of His promises. Circumstances are changing because of your faith. Pause today and celebrate even the smallest victories!

Psalm 59:16 NIV ~ But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.

*Photo: Pixabay


Do Not Fret


He Makes All Things New