Jesus is Before and Behind You

Daily Blessing

There’s so much we can’t see right now, but much we can discern. It’s time to fast, pray, and believe that the God we serve is the God who sees all. He hears our prayers and is moving in heaven in a way that’s about to be revealed on earth. You play a part in this greater Kingdom story. When you decide to step out, fears may rise up and questions might arise. What if you fail? What if someone uses your past against you? What if you take a risk and you make a mistake? Hear this now: the enemy is a liar. That’s who he is; that’s how he is. If you are in Christ, you are a new creation. The old is gone. The new has come. Now, when you look back over your shoulder, you don’t have to look at your past the same way. Goodness and mercy now follow you. His grace pursues you. And, when you look ahead, Jesus is there too. Scripture says that He both precedes and follows you; He places His hand of blessing upon your head (Ps.139:5). What love! If you’re paralyzed with fear, determine that you’ll not be deterred by an empty threat when you’re an heir to the potent promises of God. Go forward in faith, believing that your future will be far more fruitful than your past. 

Psalm 23:5-6(NLT) ~ You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.

*Photo: Pixabay


Rest, Beloved


Worthwhile Waiting