You Can Discern

Daily Blessing

May you discern more clearly than ever, what you're supposed to be listening to right now. Don't be afraid to turn off the news, turn down the noise, and sit awhile with God. He has some things to say to you that are specific to your journey. A strategy that applies uniquely to you. He wants to remind you how dear you are to Him and fill you with a new sense of hope. The enemy, on the other hand, amplifies your fears. He makes a big deal out of your weaknesses. He exaggerates your troubles. And He lies about your worth. Enough with him, already! Oh, magnify the Lord with me! Let us exalt His Name together! He is greater than our fears and more powerful than our enemy. He is mighty to save and brilliant in power. He's a chain breaker and a dream maker! Turn a deaf ear to the enemy. Refuse to rehearse his threats. Listen for the voice of Jesus this day. He's a miracle-working God, and He has no rival. You're secure in Him. 

Psalm 85:8 NLT~ I listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying, for he speaks peace to his faithful people. But let them not return to their foolish ways.

*Photo: Pixabay


Jesus Is Your Healer


God Sees