Jesus Is Praying For You

Daily Blessing

May you begin to live more by faith than you do by sight. Now's a great time to develop holy confidence that God is sturdier than your circumstances. He is stronger than your weakness, greater than your fears, mightier than the storms that rage all around us. Today is a perfect day to send your roots down deep into the soil of His love. May you trust-with your whole heart that God has already gone ahead of you, cleared the way, established grace, and answered prayers before you even fully understood just what you'd needed. Jesus continually pours Himself into your journey. He merely spoke, and the heavens came to be. He speaks now on your behalf because He loves you. Ponder the fact that He's right now praying for you! Engage your life with the confidence that you have a Divine Intercessor praying for you! Don't look around for signs. Look up and rejoice because He's got you. Live by faith today because one day, your faith will become sight, and you'll be glad you trusted Him. Have a sturdy-hearted day. You're mighty in God!

Psalm 93:1-4 (NLT) ~ The Lord is king! He is robed in majesty. Indeed, the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength. The world stands firm and cannot be shaken. Your throne, O Lord, has stood from time immemorial. You yourself are from the everlasting past. The floods have risen up, O Lord. The floods have roared like thunder;  the floods have lifted their pounding waves. But mightier than the violent raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore— the Lord above is mightier than these!

*Photo: Pixabay


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