You Are Royalty

Daily Blessing

Kings and kingdoms will one day tremble before the Throne of Almighty God. King Jesus will rule and reign with kindness, love, and justice. He'll heal the brokenhearted; bind up their wounds, and make them whole again. He'll deal with those who've spent their lives oppressing and terrorizing the weak and vulnerable. He will one day make all things new. Jesus stepped away from His throne to walk this earth, die our death, and defeat the power of sin over us. We—who've been bought by the Blood of the Lamb—are filled with the Spirit of the Living God. We are part of a Heavenly Kingdom. Heirs of God. Joint heirs with Christ. May you remember this day who you are and whose you are. May you walk this earth the way Jesus did, full of love, humility, conviction, faith, and concern for those in need. May His Kingdom come, and His will be done in and through you.

Isaiah 37:16 (NLT) ~ O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, God of Israel, you are enthroned between the mighty cherubim! You alone are God of all the kingdoms of the earth. You alone created the heavens and the earth.

*Photo: Pixabay


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