You Have What You Need

Daily Blessing

May you take a new grip with your tired hands and mark out a straight path for your feet. God has given you promises to hang onto and enough light for the road in front of you. You have what you need to stand in faith and embrace joy. Tell your soul that the devil will not stand in the way of God's promises. Remember this: he has no power to steal your purpose from you! As you walk under the authority of the Most-High God, you walk in His authority. You can stand against the enemy’s schemes and prevail. You can face down fear and win. You can turn your back on insecurity and live a brave, bold life. You have access to more Kingdom power than you could ever appropriate. And, when you’re weak, He’ll make you strong. When you’re weary in battle, the Lord Himself will fight for you. Move forward in faith, hold fast to your convictions, and remember that God is faithful to the promises He’s made to you. Jesus won the war so you can win this battle. Walk boldly and bravely.

2 Peter 1:3 NIV ~ His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

*Photo: Pixabay


Remember What You Have


Bless You!