Walk Wisely

Daily Blessing

May you abound in spiritual discernment in the days ahead! May you know when God is asking you to shore up your faith and stand strong, and when He's inviting you hide yourself under the shadow of His wing. May you quickly discern the enemy's schemes and stay clear of the traps he sets for you. In spite of your mistakes, missteps, and misunderstandings, may you never doubt your worth and your value. You're someone Jesus loves, treasures, anoints, and appoints. He'll show Himself strong in your weakness, faithful in your fears, and merciful where you fall short. Walk wisely with Him today. There's a best place, a best path for your feet. He’ll fill you with holy boldness and other-worldly courage. He’ll teach you and train you, redeem you and restore you. Take every step with Jesus today. Have a wise, discerning day!

Acts 4:13 (NIV) ~ When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

*Photo: Pixabay


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