Jesus Suffers With You
Today’s Blessing
May Jesus give you time and space to feel your hurts, heal your wounds, and grieve your losses. May He lead you beside still waters and restore your soul. May He bring you friends who love you right where you are. May you refuse to be cynical or jaded; instead, may you dare to dream again, right amid the pain you're in. Don't be afraid of lament. You can't sprint through grief. But avoid self-pity like the plague. You don't need pity. You have the promises of God! You have the presence of God. And He still has a great purpose for you. You won't stay in this valley. You're just passing through. One honest step at a time. You'll get through it, and you'll be stronger on the other side. You can do this. God bless you, dear one.
Psalm 30:5 NLT ~ For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.
*Photo: Pixabay