God Always Has More For You

Today’s Blessing

Every soul needs healing of some kind. And every one of us has baggage that needs to go. Baggage like fear, despair, discouragement, jealousy, and insecurity. May you dare to humble yourself under God's mighty hand. Ask Him to show you your heart, the things you cannot see. Dare to surrender your plan, and trust Him with your desires and see if He doesn't meet you, minister to you, and establish you more fully in His purposes for you. God wants to revive His Church. He's purifying hearts, healing hearts, and disciplining those who need it. He misses nothing. May revival start within you as you sort through the stuff that pushes you down or holds you back. God always has more for you. Whatever promises you've memorized, know there are more of His promises to appropriate. In whatever ways you've experienced God, these are just tastes of things to come. Nothing on earth compares to knowing God in a way that changes you. The world needs your influence. And Jesus loves you more than you love yourself. Trust Him as He changes you from the inside out.

Psalm 85:8-9 NLT ~ I listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying, for he speaks peace to his faithful people. But let them not return to their foolish ways. Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him, so our land will be filled with his glory.

*Photo: Pixabay



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