Joy Is On The Other Side
Today’s Blessing
May you live and trust like Jesus. He fully embraced His ultimate destiny and would not be swayed by momentary relief or the glory of mere men. Why? Because He had us on His mind. He envisioned our eternity together and determined to persevere through to the end, knowing it would be worth it all. Unless we have a similar sense of calling, we’ll have the tendency—not only at Christmastime but all year long—to take shortcuts, posture for a position, and arrange our promotion. All of which we’ll regret later, and none of which bear fruit in the long run.
John 5:19 NLT ~ So Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.
*Photo: Pixabay
#SusieLarsonDevotions #PrepareHimRoom