See With Fresh Eyes

Daily Blessing

May Jesus give you the grit to persevere when your Promised Land depends on it. May He empower you with tenderness to forgive when relationships are strained. May you see those He's given you to love with fresh eyes of compassion and grace. Believe that miracles still happen our day, because they do. Refuse to turn inward and numb out just because something feels uncomfortable. You may be tempted to dig in your heels because risk feels too scary, but don't do it. Be strong and humble. Stay flexible and faithful. There's a time to stay firmly planted and a time to step into the unknown. Both require faith and trust. Your Good Shepherd will lead you on the best path for your life. Stay in step with Him.

Psalm 32:8 NLT ~ The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.

*Photo: Pixabay


Start With Your Heart


You, Precious You