Offer Him A Receptive Heart

A Christmas Blessing

Want to encounter Jesus today? Invite Him to your party. Give Him your burdens. Trust Him with your fears. Obey Him when it doesn’t suit you. Offer Him room, time, and space to rearrange your priorities and renew your perspective. He’s still a miracle-working God. His compassions will never fail. We follow Him on His terms because He knows what we cannot know this side of heaven. So we trust Him. And enjoy Him. And we celebrate the fact that by some divine miracle, we know and are intimately known by the one who put the stars in place. May you see His miracles in your gathering today!

Mark 9:37 NLT ~ “Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes not only me but also my Father who sent me.”

*Photo: Pixabay
#SusieLarsonDevotions #PrepareHimRoom


He Is Your Prince Of Peace


Shh! God Is Speaking