Decide To Believe

Today’s Blessing

May the Fatherly nature of God bring assurance to your soul. May you understand—on a much deeper level—how committed He is to you and your story. May Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and His victory over the grave and sin, compel you to believe that you're worth far more than your skewed perspective of yourself. May you simply decide to believe that you're a priceless work of art. May the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit inspire you to live a life yielded to His influence. May you be so sensitive to His movement that when He winces, you wince; when He moves, you move; when He pulls back, you pull back. May you grow to deeply enjoy your fellowship with God. He is for you and He loves you.

Psalm 84:11-12 NLT ~ For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, what joy for those who trust in you.

*Photo: Pixabay



Let Peace Rule Your Heart