All Things New

Daily Blessing

May you recapture the wonder and the awe of this season. YOU are someone Jesus loves, profoundly so. You are someone He sings over, delights in, and plans for. May you marvel that He came to earth to save you, restore you, and use you in ways that are beyond what you’ve ever imagined. God intends to restore the years the enemy has stolen. He intends to show Himself strong right in the midst of your current battle. Things won’t always be this hard. One day, He’ll make all things new! Until then, take time to notice Him in the small sacred spaces of life. He’s there. He invites you. May a heaven-breathed wonder fill your lungs today.

Mark 7:37 NLT ~ They were completely amazed and said again and again, “Everything he does is wonderful. He even makes the deaf to hear and gives speech to those who cannot speak.”

*Photo: Pixabay


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