Settle In Under God’s Wing

Today’s Blessing

When the how and the why questions no longer suffice, may you settle under the wing of God's protective grace. May you be content to leave your unanswered questions with Him so that He might tend to the needs of your soul. He'll deal with what's happened to you, but first, He wants to address what it's done in you. He's a protective Father, you know? Entrust the hard parts of your story to the One who is not finished writing it yet. May you let go of that which you cannot control and lay hold of faith—the very substance of evidence of things your eyes cannot yet see. Trust God. Believe Him. Picture Jesus interceding for you. Be at rest once more, dear soul. For the Lord has been good to you. And He'll be good to you again. Trust Him in the meantime. Blessings on your day. 

Psalm 116:7 NIV ~ Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.

*Photo: Pixabay



Thank Him, Thank Him, Thank Him


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