
Daily Blessing

May you begin to live more by faith than you do by sight. May you trust-with your whole heart-that God has already gone ahead of you, cleared the way, established grace, and answered prayers before you even fully understood just what you'd needed. Jesus is profoundly invested in your journey. He merely spoke, and the heavens came to be. He speaks now on your behalf because He loves you and is invested in you. Don't look around for signs. Look up and rejoice because He's got you. Live by faith today, because one day, your faith will become sight and you'll be glad you trusted Him. Have a sturdy-hearted day. You're mighty in God!

Hebrews 11:1 NLT ~ Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.

*Photo: Pixabay


Victory Is Yours!


He Is Leading You