Mind Your Mind

Daily Blessing

May God's opinion matter far more to you than man's opinion. May His dreams for you speak louder than your fears. May you refuse to read into situations that make you anxious. May you instead be proactive with your perspective. Guard your heart, renew your mind, and fan the flame within you. Every single day, take time to rest, let yourself laugh, and go out of your way to love someone in your path. May you be courageous in your convictions, clear in your purpose, and kind in all of your conversations. Refuse to borrow tomorrow’s troubles on today’s strength. God’s grace is available for you in this present moment. So stay present with God and your people. Don’t let your mind wander into fears that God has not called you to face yet. May Jesus' promise to be with you in every single moment be enough for you. This is where your faith counts. 

Psalm 116:9 (NLT) ~ And so I walk in the Lord’s presence as I live here on earth!

*Photo: Pixabay


You Can See Clearly


Lord, Make Me More Like You