You’re Brand New

Daily Blessing

You are someone God loves. You're not your weaknesses. You're not your sins. You're not even your strengths. You're someone God loves, enjoys, and redeems. In Christ Jesus, you're brand new, through and through. You don't have to look back in regret or look down in shame. You can look up and honor the Name of Jesus, who lived, died, and rose again so you could live powerfully, abundantly, and eternally. Refuse to let your setbacks or mess-ups define you. They don't. They can't. They won't. Be bold, be brave, and be happy in Jesus. He's thrilled to claim you as His own! Have a great day. 

1 John 4:16 (AMP) ~ We have come to know [by personal observation and experience], and have believed [with deep, consistent faith] the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides continually in him.

*Photo: Pixabay


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