
The Invitation
For many years Susie and I have started our year praying and asking God what impossible thing He would like us to believe him for. As a result, we have seen God take our offering and multiply it to do incredible things. It is amazing to watch God move, and it completely stretches our faith! This year, we are inviting you to JOIN US.
Our prayer each year starts off with, "God, we want to up our game this year in- MIND, BODY & SPIRIT. As we press in to know you more, we want to grow in health and strength and then use our best energies for the world's greatest needs."
We are asking that you simply pray and ask God that same question, then commit to do whatever he asks of you. We have learned he loves to answer faith-filled prayers like that and then he always provides. You can consider picking up a copy of Susie's book, "Waking Up to the Goodness of God: 40 Days Toward Healing and Wholeness", as a tool for renewing your mind.
Let's see what God will do when we stand together and believe for the impossible!
-Kevin & Susie Larson
25,000 women are trafficked across the border of Nepal into India every year.
It takes only $400 to rescue a girl from the trafficking industry.
25,000 women are trafficked across the border of Nepal into India every year. It takes only $400 to rescue a girl from the trafficking industry.
The Challenge
For this challenge we will all be tracking "MILES", this is what that will look like...
20 Minutes of Movement = 1 MILE
(Cardio, Strength, Stretching)
20 Minutes of Spiritual Discipline = 1 MILE
(Reading, Praying, etc.)
And for all you athletes = Track your actual MILES
(Walk, Run, Bike)
We are inviting each person to start off with a $400 goal to rescue at least one girl. You can sponsor yourself or ask your family and friends to support you in your challenge.
We will be on Facebook, Instagram and E-Mail throughout the challenge to cheer you on, offer encouragement, and provide more creative ways to add miles to your log. We will also be doing some giveaways!
When you join the challenge, you will receive weekly encouragement from us as well as updates from our amazing partner, Venture.
You won’t want to miss this…
Fun giveaways and merch
Facebook & Instagram Lives on spiritual disciplines, healthy choices, etc. to encourage you to become a better version of yourself
Weekly devotionals inspiring spiritual and emotional growth
An online community that is ready to cheer you on every step of the way
Download the Venture app for a fun way of tracking your progress (Apple Store & Google Play)
10 Ways to Reach Your Fundraising Goal
Pro Tip:
Add a QR code linked to your page, or a pre-stamped & addressed return envelope to: Venture 511 E. Travelers Trail, Burnsville, MN 55337
Pro Tip:
Write about why you are doing it!
Pro Tip:
Be specific and clear in what you're asking
Pro Tip:
Remember, you're offering them an opportunity to be a part of doing something about the cause you care about. Some people are just waiting for you to ask!
Pro Tip:
Always include your link to give
Pro Tip:
Know your audience and tailor your ask to them. Grandma might want a letter or phone call. Your friends might be most likely to engage with a social media post.
The Cause
Did you know that every year, 25,000 women are trafficked across the border of Nepal into India? It takes only $400 to rescue a girl from the trafficking industry.
Every dollar raised through this challenge goes to rescuing girls through Venture and their partners. We’ll do weekly FB Lives to encourage and inspire you. We’ll have fun giveaways. And provide practical help for you to strengthen yourself physically and spiritually.
Spread the Word
Share this challenge with your friends and family to make a bigger impact.